How to set the root password after creating instance on oracle cloud

How to set the root password after creating instance on oracle cloud?

since you have created instance on oracle cloud, it requires you private .ppk key file to login

from putty you can login on your instance by directly providing that private key.

and on Linux/Unix defult user is "opc".

since during creation of instance it  will not ask you for  root password.

You dont need any password to connect to root.

to connect to root type below command as opc user.

[opc@sts ~]$ sudo su
[root@sts opc]#

by this you will login as root.

Now change your password

[root@sts opc]# passwd
Changing password for user root.
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[root@sts opc]#

All done.

Thanks & Regards
Nikhil Kumar.


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